Sunday, June 03, 2007

Biking travails

Biking has never been harder.

There are nice bikeways in Irvine. Nevertheless, the speed of the cars on the rare intersections that you come across, and the scary monsters chasing you when you bike late in the night make it less enjoyable a ride.

If that was not enough, I lost my helmet! Damn. I had pledged after a great fall last year that no more would I bike without a helmet. But my helmet just went missing! Now I will have to walk home.

I left my bike in the office last night to catch a movie. After the movie, my office-mate dropped me home in her car. And next morning the helmet is gone! Disappeared!

Must be those notorious kids of my co-workers. I was taking their photographs on Saturday. They must have thought that I am rather friendly. And there! The helmet disappears! aargh..

They are not getting away with this. I will put the Disney channel in the office TV under child lock tomorrow. Maybe I'll hide the ice-creams as well, deep into the freezer.


himanshu agrawal said...

u r a naughty boy, that's why ur helmet was stolen..

Anonymous said...

Btw, what does "Biking travails" mean ?