Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Corpse 'flower' now in bloom!

Berkeley Botanical Garden's rare Titan arum plant is now blooming. The inflorescence (commonly misunderstood as a single flower) of Titan arum is huge, growing to a maximum of 9 ft (reported once).

I saw this plant on my first visit to the garden. But I never knew it was this fascinating.

Its perfume smells 'like there is a dead body in the room', and is strongest for the first twelve hours of blooming. Go there while it lasts, it would be the strongest for the next 4-5 hours, maybe. And the flower would be in its prime for merely 4 days or so. The flowering is so rare that the wiki article on the plant lists the various recent flowerings. You may never smell one again!


asarwate said...

We are making a WiFo outing to see it on your prompting...

Tiklup said...

wow! hope Bobak was there as well, I'll get to see some good pics :-)