Friday, February 02, 2007

The dark side of the Sonar Killa: Open question!

First, this phenomena is quite general. Almost all tourist places in India have children working for long hours.

We met some farmers and on my visit to Orissa, I saw people there who was poorer than those on Sam Sand dunes in Jaisalmer, but I also remember that the kids went to school. Education, and the ensuing carrer, is an attractive option there, as compared to the the option of earning quick money at a major tourist spot. The fields require only so much work, and the kids would be better off learning something for the rest of the time.

So is this a bane of being born a poor family in a tourist place? Yes! The short-term advantage of forcing the child to work for more hours is more obvious than the advantage of the alternative.

I see no practical way by which we can simply ask the people to stop forcing their children to work. Besides, force is never the way.

Me and mom came up with a seemingly simple solution: let them have school for six months. In Jaisalmer, there are no tourists in the summers! From April to around September, its too warm for tourism. Special schools can be run for these children in these months. They can be let off for the rest of the year, possibly with some vacation homework.

The solution would work elsewhere, too. Since most tourist places in India have some "tourist season".

I am sure its too simplistic to not have any feasibility problems, but there could be ways around those problems, too. Not only is finding those ways important for Salim and his kins, but also for the tourists to enjoy their vacation without a tinge of guilt. Asha, AID, anyone listening?

I might table this problem, and possible solutions, at the next AID/Asha meeting. So pour in your solutions! Leave a message down here, or mail me at

(Update on facts/statistics:
Majority of the population at Sam and nearby areas is illiterate. Those educated have usually studied till 5th standard. The area is predominantly muslim. Women's rights are often overlooked. Majority is underemplyed/unemployed.)

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